Redesigning Conference Sponsorship Packages: A Template

This handy template will help you ensure you are developing conference sponsorships that maximize revenue and keep your sponsors coming back.

Conference sponsorship packages can deliver incredible value for sponsors but few organizations take full advantage of all of the options they can offer for brand exposure and engagement. 

Event App and Digital Signage sponsorships are two of the best ways to engage attendees pre, during and post conference. We've created this template to guide you through the process of evaluating your current packages and creating packages that offer outstanding value for your sponsors, attendees and meet your event goals.

Key sections of this template include:

  • Identifying the goals of your sponsors and how you can deliver the value they are looking for
  • A la carte sponsorship options for brand exposure, networking, and social engagement
  • Sample tiered sponsorship packages
  • Sample sponsorship matrix
This template is fully customizable so you can adapt the packages to suit your conference.