How to Pitch Event Tech to Your Association's Board: Presentation Template

Get board buy-in with a customizable template that helps you make the case for an event technology budget—and makes it easy to compare vendors.

Complete your research faster by adding vendor information, key features, and pricing directly to the slides. Use this customizable presentation template to help secure an event tech budget for your meetings and conferences throughout the year.

Inside the template, you'll find:
 🌟 Event technology benefits
Slides listing reasons to invest in event tech, such as improved attendee experience and engagement, plus higher event revenue

🔖 Vendor presentation slides
Customizable slides listing common association event challenges to show how vendors help solve them

💰 Pricing options for associations
Pricing comparison template for packages and add-ons across vendors 

💻 Bonus tips from event planners
Best practices for reviewing event technology, from evaluating user interfaces to making sure you get the support you need

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