The Easiest-to-Use Event App for Outstanding Event Experiences

Time-saving workflows for organizers. Intuitive navigation and networking features for attendees and speakers. ROI-boosting engagement opportunities for sponsors and exhibitors.

Easy data management

Customizable branding and design

In-depth event analytics 

Book Your Demo Today

Creating Outstanding Attendee Experiences at 30,000+ Events Since 2009

A Mobile App with Easy-to-Find Event Essentials to Guide Your Attendees

Make it Easy for Attendees to Get Ready for Your Event 

Make it easy for your attendees to plan their event experience. They can create personalized agendas, connect with one another, and get detailed information on event sponsors and exhibitors.

Personalized agendas

Interactive event maps

1:1 and group networking opportunities

Sponsor and exhibitor profiles and pages


Send Real-Time Reminders and Notifications to Keep Everyone on Track

From last-minute room changes to personalized reminders for different attendee types, ensure everyone has the most up-to-date information. 

Welcome messages

Session or event reminders

Agenda change notifications

Sponsored announcements

Built-In, Easy-to-Implement Features to Increase Attendee Engagement

Encourage attendees to share event highlights. Create gamification challenges to drive engagement with sponsors and exhibitors. Gather valuable feedback through live polls and surveys. 

04 Networking is Better with Messaging, Profiles & Meetings-3

Create More Strategic Networking Opportunities

Empower attendees to build more robust relationships.

Private 1:1 chat and appointment booking

Rich attendee and sponsor profiles

In-app exhibitor booths with video and CTAs

08 Live Chat and Q&A Boost Attendee Engagement-3

Encourage Discussions In and Out of Sessions

Invite attendees to join the conversation in sessions and in their own time.   

Live session chat

Anonymous Q&A with upvoting 

Gated or ungated group discussions 

09 Live Polls & Surveys Make Sessions More Interactive-3

Make Sessions More Interactive 

Help speakers create more engaging presentations and capture valuable feedback.

Live polls in sessions with real-time display 

Speaker evaluation forms

Post-session and post-event surveys

Incentivize Deeper Interactions with Gamification

Influence attendees' behavior through fun, friendly challenges designed to drive new learnings and connections. 

Customize game objectives and rewards

Create challenges to encourage interactions with exhibitors or participants

Showcase top players with real-time leaderboard updates

Image: Gamification Dashboard
Attract More Spnonsors

Attract More Sponsors and Exhibitors

Increase event revenue by offering measurable brand exposure opportunities and make it easy for exhibitors to capture, score, and follow up with leads. 

Advanced analytics to measure exposure and clickthroughs

Unlimited gamification challenges to drive interactions

Lead capture and retrieval available as a standalone app 

Explore the EventMobi Mobile Event App

See how you can create smooth, remarkable experiences for your next event. 

View the app on different devices

Click around to see different sections 

Take a look at event maps, video libraries, in-app exhibitor booths, and more! 


“We really liked the interactive trade show floor plan. To be able to click on an exhibitor profile and have the interface take you to a pinpoint on the map so you knew where their booth was located – that was really cool! Little things like that make a difference to the overall attendee experience.”

Rachel Lyon, Manager, Conference and Events, CSAE


“The event app absolutely enhanced the attendee experience.
The experience became interactive because they were able to participate, rather than just passively attend the event. And working with the EventMobi team was as seamless as using the app..”

Carrie Jackson, Director of Sales, Groups & Events, Cineplex


EventMobi mobile app setup and management for event organizers

Save Time with an Easy-to-Use, Comprehensive Event Management Platform. Whether You're a Team of One or Work with Teams Across Departments

Go from inefficient, manual processes to streamlined data upload and export. Quickly update designs without having to bend brand guidelines. Get support whenever you need it, 24/7, via live chat, phone, and email.

Always Stay On-Brand with Easy Design Customization

Quickly customize colors, fonts, and images on every page of your mobile event app.

Simple drag-and-drop builder

Ability to build custom pages

Option to publish white-labeled apps


Continue Improving Your Events with a Data-Driven Approach

Track attendee engagement throughout your event, from session attendance to interactions with exhibitors.

Attendance tracking 

Session engagement

Lead generation and brand exposure for sponsors

Streamline Event Management with Integrations

Automate data syncing between EventMobi and your existing systems with integrations, including schedules, tracks, attendee data, speaker profiles, and more. 

Your registration tools 

Your AMS, CRM, and marketing automation platforms 

EventMobi Registration—natively built-in, no integration required


Off-The-Shelf and On-Demand Integrations for Smooth Event Management Include:

EventMobi mobile event app success stories

See How Brands and Associations Create Engaging Attendee Experiences

GO WEST 23 Maximizes Engagement for Event Sponsors

"The gamification really drove traffic to our exhibitor booths. The planners were really into it and [used it to] figure out where they needed to go, who they needed to talk get that code. was a win-win.”

Arlene Schilke, CMP, DES
Executive Producer,

TD Bank Drives Open Discussion at DEI Event Using Event Tech

"We had a lot of individuals on-site actually come and ask, ‘Where did you get this app? How can we use this at our next event?’ And I highly recommend this [event app] for any future event."

Javon Findlator
Executive Lead,
CAMS Visible Minority Committee

Venture Out Elevates Conference With a Mobile Event App 

"Being able to save time [by] not juggling spreadsheets or being able to adjust the schedule on the fly...makes it both a less stressful experience for us as planners, and for the attendees."

Daniel Favand
Community Engagement & Website Support, Venture Out

EventMobi mobile event app pricing

Create a Fully Customized Event Experience That Fits Your Budget

Unlimited attendee engagement and networking on any plan. Flexible packages and add-ons. 

All EventMobi plans include unlimited usage of all standard event mobile app features:

Badge designer  Push notifications  Live polls and surveys  Live chat and group discussions 
1:1 messaging  Document & video libraries  Personalized agendas  Activity feed  Personal appointment booking 
Gamification with real-time leaderboard  Surveys & session evaluations

SIngle Event

Single Event Package

All the features you need for your flagship event.

All standard platform features included

Up to 1 week post-event access

Add-ons available on demand


Unlimited Events Package

Power all of your events, large and small, throughout the year.

Tiered pricing based on the number of users across all events

Unlimited event duration and post-event access

Includes customized package add-ons for free

M3 B-2

Marketing Websites and Registration 

Create the right registration experience, without additional manual tasks for your team.

Single Event and Unlimited Events add-on 

Fully integrated with EventMobi's event management software

Room block management across locations

Flexible forms, payment processing, and volume discounts

M3 A-1

Onsite Apps and Features for In-Person Events

Simplify badge printing and check-in, amplify content on-site, and offer a lead capture app to exhibitors.

Single Event add-on or included in the Unlimited Events Package

Order pre-printed badges right to your venue

Live display for digital signage

Check-in app and lead retrieval app for sponsors

M3 C-1

Hybrid-Ready App for Different Attendee Types

Create personalized event experiences to engage both your in-person and remote attendees.

Single Event add-on or included in the Unlimited Events Package

Unlimited interactive breakout rooms

1:1 video meetings and appointments

Video library with the ability to link to externally hosted video files

The support at EventMobi is simply unmatched. When I was designing my app, there was a chat box available within the backend of the platform for whenever I (inevitably) had a question. Have you ever had to explain your technical support issues three times to a support representative? It’s my biggest pet peeve. But I have yet to encounter anyone on the EventMobi support team who has been anything but top notch. They always immediately understand what it is I need and help me out on the spot, whether it’s through chat, phone, or email.

— Sandra Poon Tip, Co-operators Insurance

Co-operators Logo

Schedule Your Personalized Mobile Event App Demo

See how EventMobi's app can help offer more networking opportunities to your attendees and increase their engagement throughout the event.

Share your event mobile app requirements below. Our team will reach out to schedule a call.

Book Your Demo Today